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Mantenimiento Alberca Olímpica

Con el objetivo de continuar ofreciendo un servicio de excelencia, hemos aprovechado la oportunidad que ha generado esta contingencia para realizar un exhaustivo mantenimiento a la alberca olímpica de nuestro Centro de Formación Deportiva. Estamos trabajando de acuerdo a las indicaciones de las autoridades y siguiendo los lineamientos del Instituto del Deporte de Benito Juárez,…


Magical Hvar Island

Outside of Dubrovnik, Hvar is the epicentre of the Dalmatian travel industry. Holidaymakers come to be around the yachts lining the harbour of the island’s namesake capital and among the revellers forking out more than top dollar (in Croatian terms) to party into the night. A massive overhaul of key hotels here, in the Suncani…


Mountainous Bolzano

Thanks to its double perspective, Bolzano is able to mesmerize tourists who come from all over. Its two lifestyles, one Northern European and the other more Mediterranean, combine to make the perfect union, which can be clearly seen in the historic and artistic treasures of this city. For centuries, Bolzano has been the privileged centre…



Aix-en-Provence is famous for its outdoor markets and handsome pedestrian lanes, as well as its cultivated residents and their ability to embrace the good life. Nowhere else in France is l’art de vivre (the art of living) so well on display. It was that way when the French king made the town his administrative capital…


Island of Malta

Located just south of Sicily, Malta and its accompanying islands of Gozo and Comino offer up an unlimited number of cultural and natural treats. How about 7,000 years of history, including three World Heritage Sites, temples that outdate both the Pyramids and Stonehenge and magnificent medieval walled towns complete with Baroque cathedrals, winding back streets…


Bridges of Prague

The impressive capital of the Czech Republic, Prague is a perfect blend of old and new. Its flawless architecture dating back hundreds of years acts as the foundations for a place bustling with the activity of a modern city just waiting to be explored. Plenty to see and do ensures that every year, thousands of…


San Sebastian

The city has two other fine urban beaches: if you like walking you can start your stroll on Zurriola beach, frequented by surfing enthusiasts, then skirt round Monte Urgull along the Paseo Nuevo and then go right across the bay to finish on Ondarreta beach.
